Spending time on the Cape doesn’t have to be expensive at all. From lighthouse tours to baseball games, here are 25 free things to do on Cape Cod that won’t break the bank and everyone of all ages will enjoy.
1. Attention all beer drinkers…Take a free tour of Cape Cod Beer in Hyannis. Monday through Saturday at 11AM. Tours last about 45 minutes.
2. Admission is FREE at the Woods Hole Science Aquarium, which is home to more than 140 species. Take a look at the seals playing in the out door pool. Bill Greene/Boston Globe
3. Spectacular views of passing ships from the Cape Cod Canal. Cruise lines, cargo ships,and jumbo car carriers can be seen from the canal banks as they travel between The Cape Cod Bay and The Buzzards Bay. David L. Ryan/Boston Globe
4. Catch a Cape Cod Baseball League game and get a sneak peak at some up and coming stars. Barry Chin/Boston Glob
5. Stroll through the Cape Cod Lavender Farm’s 12 secluded acres overlooking Island Pond in Harwich. It is one of the largest lavender farms on the East Coast and harvests more then 14,000 plants. Elaine Albernese/Boston Globe
6. Pack a picnic and watch the sun set on the sands of Chatham Lighthouse Beach or from atop the bluff where the Chatham Light stands guard. Julia Cumes/Boston Globe
7. Find out how the Bernard Family cranks out it’s own batches of hand stirred, kettle cooked potato chips during a Cape Cod Chips factory tour in Hyannis. Tours are Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM. Boston Globe Archives
8. Nearly all of the villages that dot the Cape have a town green, where bands play free weekly concerts for summer music lovers. Barry Chin/Globe Staff
9. Enjoy the works of local artists at he Eastham Painters Guilds outdoors fine arts gallery. Since 1980 paintings have been hung on wood and wire from old chicken coops on the lawn of the Eastham Society’s Schoolhouse Museum. John Thlumaki/Globe Staff
10. Enjoy FREE Entertainment at the Orlean’s Farmer’s Market. The Market is open from 8M to Noon on Saturdays and free performances begin at 9:30AM. Dana Sinerate/Boston Globe
11. Try Biking the 5.25 mile Province Lands Trail. It’s steep dunes will challenge even the most seasoned riders. Boston Globe Archive
12. Take a walk on Fort Hill Trail, a 1.5 mile loop that runs across fields, through oak and cedar forests, and along the edge of Nauset Marsh. The trail also connects to the 1/2 mile Red Maple Swamp Trail, which takes you through wooded forests. Ron Driscoll/ Globe Staff
13. Once a vital communications hub for the entire country, the French Cable Station Museum in Orleans was the nation’s primary link to U.S. forces overseas. Free guided tours are available. Boston Globe Archives
14. Ten light houses dot the Cape Cod shoreline. Take a FREE tour of the Chatham Lighthouse, the Nobska Point Light in Woods Hole, or Race Point Lighthouse in Provincetown. Tom Herde/Boston Globe
15. Marconi Station was home to the first Trans-Atlantic wireless communication between The United States and England in 1903. The area perched 85 feet above the beach, is known for it’s stunning views. Boston Globe Archives
16. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute at Woods Hole offers FREE walking tours in July and August on Monday through Friday at 10:30AM and again at 1:30PM by reservation. The institution also offers FREE seminars and presentations. Boston Globe Archives
17. At Monomoy National Wildlife in Chatham, you can see a variety of wildlife, including the Piping Plover, on the refuge’s 7,600 acres. Essdras M. Suarez/Boston Globe
18. Head to Nauset Beach, which stretches 10 miles from Orleans to Chatham. There is no shortage of parking and there is a snack bar nearby. Essdras M. Suarez/ Boston Globe
19. At Pairpoint, which was founded in 1837 and is the oldest existing glass work business, you can watch artisans blow piping hot glass vases and lamps Monday through Friday from 9AM to 4PM. Mark Wilson/ Globe Staff
20. Ride a Bike along the Cape Cod Rail Trail – A great way to see the seashore. Julia Cumes/ Boston Globe
21. On clear days you can see as far as Provincetown and the Massachusetts Mainland from the top of the 30 ft Scargo Tower, which is the highest location on the Mid Cape and sits atop the 160 ft tall Scargo Hill in Dennis. Bill Greene/ Globe Staff
22. At The Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail, enjoy the wooded canopies and wildlife when you set aside an hour to walk this 1.25 mile trail. Bill Greene/ Globe staff
23. Race Point in Provincetown is a great place to spot whales and seals. Mark Wilson/ Globe Photo
24. Take a stroll down lively Harborside Commercial Street in Provincetown, which boasts shops ranging from surplus stores to quiet galleries to old salt water taffy candy like Cabots Candy. Tom Herde/Globe Staff
25. Take a FREE wine tasting at the Cape Cod Winery in East Falmouth, Thursday through Sunday from 11AM to 4PM. Wendy Maeda/ Globe Staff
A Special Thank You to the BOSTON GLOBE for the beautiful photos…..