The Mid-Cape!

What is The Mid-Cape! What is The Mid-Cape?…..The towns of Barnstable, Yarmouth and Dennis constitute what is known as the Mid-Cape. Barnstable is the largest and most populous Cape Cod town. It includes seven villages: Barnstable proper, Centerville, Cotuit, Hyannis, Marstons Mills, Osterville and West Barnstable. A hub for transportation, Hyannis offers visitors access to…

What Is The Upper Cape!

What Is The Upper Cape? As different as sea shells found on their shores are the four towns the Upper Cape comprises. Closest to the Cape Cod Canal, this region includes the towns of Bourne, Falmouth, Sandwich and Mashpee. What IsThe Upper Cape!……At the Cape’s threshold, providing access via the Bourne, Sagamore and railroad bridges,…