Ahhh… The Friday of Memorial Day Weekend on Cape Cod. The idle of diesel engines in the bar parking lots delivering kegs of beer, the sound of vinyl covers being yanked off of the grills, the angst wafting in the air above the bustling Stop and Shop parking lots. It’s a special time of year on the Cape. Memorial Day Weekend is the Start of Summer on The Cape!
Today we say goodbye to quick trips into town and hello to 10 minute waits to take a left onto Rte. 28. We officially put our fleece ear muffs into storage and hook the hose up to the rubber ear muffs on our outboard motors, the gargling sound of the engine running for the first time reverberating in our once frozen bones.
As the march of the steel penguins lines up at the bridges and we retreat into our backyards, coolers in tow, we all feel that same trepidation. Unless you have lived here year round you can never know the mixed emotions Cape Codders get at the start of a summer season. For “them” things are about to get easier, for “us” things are about to get busier. It’s time to go to work.
Just try to remember one thing this weekend, when you get cut off by a car with New York plates, when you are in the weeds and some asshole asks if you have gluten free stuffed quahogs, when every one of your seasonal clients expects a spring cleanup in their yard yesterday, when some rookie asshole shakes off their towel up wind from you and covers you with sand, when some lady in Jorts asks your band to play Margaritaville, when a 16 year old in a $180,000 Range Rover steals your parking spot, just remember… Summer people, Some are not.
Also remember that each and every one of these tourists are spending money. Our plumbers are fixing their outside showers, our drivers are delivering their pizza, our stores are selling them beer, our restaurant owners are catching up on the bills that stacked up all winter. So smile, be nice, and at least wait until they are out of ear shot before you joke to your friend that the ’80’s called and they want their denim fanny pack back.
Facebook: The Real Cape
Twitter: Hippie – Insane Tony