There are so many excuses that we seem to find when trying to decide on a summer vacation – Should we go here? No too expensive – Should we go there? No to busy. I have the perfect solution with no excuses – CAPE COD! Plan your escape to the Cape Now!
Not too expensive, not too busy, and sometimes just a short drive away. Just 50 miles from Boston lies the man made island of Cape Cod. Seperated from the main land by 2 bridges to heaven. If you like golf, well we have at least 45 golf courses that I know of. Some are private but while you are here, make some new friends and get invited to play! If you like to fish, there are so many private or commercial boats that offer you private trips or just go out of the docks every day and invite you to come along for a small fee. Even if you do not fish you may like to see the whales playing out on the ocean. Try biking the canal or try one of many bike paths that offer you views of the ocean as you peddle along keeping the breezes at your back.
If your preference is knowledge and history, well you have found your dream vacation. Route 6A is full of history and antique shops that provide you with untold stories of what life used to be when Cape Cod was just starting to thrive. There are also many museums and archives of times untold. Discover the past with fun at every step.
Maybe it is the sandy white beaches and the tides that rule your barometer. Escape to the Cape and visit secluded beaches with white sands and dunes, or people friendly beaches with bars and restaurants. Lobsters are waiting for your dining pleasure and seafood cannot get any fresher, so visit all of the local restaurants and dive into a plethora of deliciousness. Visit the cranberry bogs that are dotted all over the Cape and experience fresh picked cranberries.
Take a day trip to the Islands. Martha’s Vineyard, or Nantucket are welcoming and charming and so different from where you come from. Laid back outdoor decks with umbrellas and libations, or fancy dining restaurants that will keep you talking for years to come. Beaches that invite you to write that long overdue book, and shopping, well I cannot begin to tell you about the shipping! My favorite is taking the long boat ride out of Woods Hole in Falmouth and just enjoying the sun and sounds of seagulls beckoning you to their hideaways.
Nightlife? – OH YES! The Cape is noted for great live bands, Karaoke with some of the most talented singers around, dancing and darts. Have you ever played a serious game of darts? Our pubs offer lounges and restaurants of local fare and at night they unfold into hot spots where you can meet people from so many different parts of the world. Share a libation and see what you may have in common. Get adventurious and ride a wave, take a trip on the Cape Cod Rail Train and discover the marshes. So many things to do.
No matter what your desires are, there are just NO EXCUSES this time. Cape Cod has is all, and once you arrive you will never want to leave. So start planning your getaway now while there are some great homes on the water just waiting for your giggles and barefeet. Summer vacations on Cape Cod are memorable events and it is time you experienced a few. Contact Cape Cod USA Real Estate or visit their site at www.capecodusarealestate.com and chosse from so many wonderful summer weekly rentals. Single family cottages or large homes for get togethers. They have them all.