Andersen tests their Windows for Cape Cod Homes

What happens when you launch a piece of 2×4 lumber at a window? Why would you do such a thing? Windows Are Tested On Cape Cod!
Cape Cod is surrounded, literally, by water. Many of the homes we build are located on or near Cape Cod’s bays, sounds, and the Atlantic Ocean. The materials employed in the construction of our homes are crucial to their longevity and lasting value. Azek boards, special vents, architectural shingles, are all examples of components that are critically important to a successful build.
Windows and doors are frequently the only thing standing between the interior of a lovely REEF-built home and nature’s wrath. REEF often uses Andersen windows and doors in the construction of our fine homes. They are high quality, durable, attractive windows that stand the test of time. Impact Resistant windows are required for many locations, including those within 1 mile of the ocean.
What does Impact resistant mean? Here’s a great video from Andersen documenting their testing techniques, including launching an 8 foot 2×4 at 50 feet per second at a window…Ouch!
Andersen Windows tests their products for Cape Cod Homes
Andersen Windows tests their products for Cape Cod Homes