Year Round Cape Cod Rentals are in High demand with no supply available at this time….
1)…People who bought Homes on Cape Cod as investments properties..rented them sucessfully and now they have decided to sell while the market is climbing. Those tenants are looking for rentals….
2)…Restaurants…Hospitals…Resorts…have booked a huge percentage of the available Year Roiund rentals on Cape Cod to insure their employess of available housing…
3)… People who own homes and can no longer keep up with their double and triple morgages are going into forclosure…and they are looking or Year Round Cape Cod Rentals….
SO….What does that say for Cape Cod…. NOW IS THE TIME TO RENT YOUR HOME…..HELP!.. CCUSA needs Year Round Rentals immediately…We are getting between 50-100 phone calls and emails a day from desperate potential tenats…. Prices are going sky high and applications are being done on every potential tenant prior to even showing properties. Credit must be good and references and financials must be in order. Call 508 428 4440 for more details ……